Monday, 23 May 2011

Backbiting in Islam


It said that when you saw a person backbiting someone in front of you, he will backbite of you in front of others.
Is it true?
Yeah! these are right words, and the backbiter will play this bad game in front of others. Because he can’t bear see you becoming succeeded, and in this mourn he destroyed himself completely. He can do anything now that is legal or illegal.

Qur’an says that “and spy not on each other on their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his died brother? Nay ye would abhor it…. But fear Allah: for Allah is oft-returning, most merciful. (49:12)

  Allah said it in his Kalam, now here any
I’ve seen  huge no. of peoples, mostly women whom backbite so easily and never think that it’s a “Gunah Kabirah”(a huge guilt) they speaks more abusing words  on people’s backs.
       But I wanna say that what is the benefit of it?
       Please think, what will lose the man his you are backbiting?
       And what will you get by backbiting?
Only, only guilt, Not only guilt, a huge guilt like as you ate your died brother’s flesh.  
See more in next post...