Ø What is Sila-Rehmi?
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ila-rehmi is the act of good behavior to our relatives and neighbors or to keep good relations with our relatives (kith and kin), and to strengthen the bonds of kin-ship. Allah (SWT) put a very large reward for taking Sila-Rehmi.
Below I’ve copied a Hadith from “Sunan Abi Dawood”.
Abdurrahman bin Auf (Rz.) narrates that he heard Rasoolullah (SAW) telling that “Allah says I am Allah, I am Rahman (beneficent), I’ve created relations and I’ve named it by cutting a matter from my name Rahman named “Rehm” (relations). Thus who will take joined it I will join him but who will broke it I break him.
Explanation: - It means Allah Subhanahuwata’ala made a very prefect arrangement of born, that every birth has tied with a knot of relations. Now there are some rights and permanent wants of these relations that title Allah SWT chose “Rahem” (relation) which has been derived from one of his holy names “Rehman” (beneficent). Thus who will complete these rights (meant will play Sila Rehmi) Allah SWT will join him (meant will add to his devotees list) otherwise if anyone join “Qata Rehmi” (break relation or cuts ties) and breaks those rights of relation which Allah SWT has set-uped then Allah SWT will break him meant Allah will deprive him from His mercy and gifts.
Today in the modern age in which condition the Muslims are and the sight is seen of depriving from Allah’s mercy and His gifts, of course! Those are the result of bad deeds and disobedience. But in the light of this Hadith it may say that a big no. of people from us has forgotten the beautiful teaches of Sila Rehmi, and it has a big role in our destruction. In this field our conduct is not differ from non-Muslims. (Maarif-ul-Hadis Part-6, Page 63-64)
Ø What are the benefits of Sila Rehmi?
I. Anas (R.A.) narrates a hadith that Rasoolullah (SAW) said “if anyone want that in his Rizq (Provision) be openness and his mark stay in the world a long time (meant that his age become long) so he take Sila Rehmi with his relatives
(Maarif-ul-Hadis Part-6, Page 64)
II. Jubair bin Mut’am (Rz.) narrates a hadith that Rasoolullah SAW said “who takes Qata Rehmi (break relations) he can’t go to the paradise (Bukhari)
Explanation: - We may understand by this only one Hadith that into teaches of Rasoolullah SAW how much importance of Sila Rehmi and Qata Rehmi is how hating guilt. The meaning of this Hadith is that Qata Rehmi is the guilt of this level that anyone who is involved in this can’t go to the Jannat (paradise). But when he will be pure from it by punishment or Allah have to forgive him then he may enter to paradise. Before this he can’t enter to paradise. (Maarif-ul-Hadis Part 6, Page 65-66)
Ø Rights of Sila Rehmi
Abdullah bin Umar narrates a Hadith that the prophet SAW said “That man does not do the duty of Sila Rehmi who does Sila Rehmi as reward (of sila Rehmi of his kith and kin). In reality he is the player of Sila Rehmi who do Sila Rehmi also in those conditions when they (his relatives) make Qata Rehmi (break relation or cuts ties) for him.
Does sila rehmi includes in-laws as well?
ReplyDeleteYes of course
DeleteAs much I read,shila rehemi farz and Sunnah. In laws and neighbors come under Sunnah. Direct relatives are under farz Sheila rehema..
DeleteSila Rehmi: Doing good to your mother, father, sisters, bothers,neighbours. What a beautiful virtue. We should thank ALLAH and pray Darood. Ameen
ReplyDeleteDoing good to your mother father sisters brothers other relatives including your khala, mamoo, phuppi chacha taya, your first and second cousins, your nephews, nieces etc. whom you have had close family ties...